Our First Blog Post πŸˆπŸ’•πŸˆ

Hello, we are so excited to meet you! My name is Bailey Jean and this is my brother James Bond. No he’s not that James Bond everyone always talks about, he is Mr. Bondy Bear as Mommy calls him. We are two cow cats that are currently living in an RV named Libby in southern Florida with our parents. The big germ, sometimes referred to as COVID-19, caused our parents to have to work from home. And then they had to work from the beach in Delaware, we really liked the beach house πŸ– But then it got cold and we came to stay with family in Florida for the winter. We are excited to have this new blog to share our cattastic adventures while RVing. 

This is me hanging out in the RV shower, one of my favorite spots! 
James Bond likes to lay in his scratchy bed. He also eats it sometimes 🀒


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